Thursday, November 28, 2019
Death Of Salesman And Willy Loman Essays (1537 words) -
Death Of Salesman And Willy Loman Compared with other Characters Literary Journalists have spent lots of time researching different characters in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman, and have focused primarily on Willy Loman, since he is the most complex character in the play. There have been many different theories about the relationship between him and the other characters of the play. Certain Journalists have gone beyond that point and have compared him with other characters. These comparisons allow the reader to see Willy from a different perspective, which also allows the reader to understand the position of Willy Loman. D. L. Hoeveler has explained Willy's standpoint to the other characters in Death of a Salesman as Psychomachia. From Milkman to Salesman: Glimpses of the Galut by Dan Vogel compares Willy to Tevye, another fictional character, while John S. Shockley has proved that Willy "shares a number of important traits with the most successful American politician of the late twentieth century, Ronald Reagan" (quote). All of these authors have tried to show and explain Willy Loman in a different perspective by comparing him to other characters. If one wants to understand a character in any sort of literature it is necessary to look at the other people who he/she has contact with. Hoeveler has analyzed Willy by looking at the other characters and has shown how they are affected by him during the play. According to Hoeveler, Willy "has forced his family to play the parts that he has designed for them. They are all characters in a dream, Willy's dream of reality" (634). All the characters in the play represent a certain trait, just as in the play Everyman, written in the late 15th century. The reader is shown that the individual characters "represent aspects of" Willy's "splintered mind" (632). Linda is a voice that guides and acts as a security for Willy. His son Biff represents the failure of Willy to achieve the American dream. Willy's other son, Happy, is a personification of "Willy's belief in success at any price" (635). Ben, Willy's brother, represents the dreams of financial success. Willy is easier to understand if one knows what he is. He is a man that has enforced his ideas unto his family and therefor has caused his personality to be divided among the other characters to an extent. The Requiem at the end of the play shows how all the characters are seemingly freed of Willy, "but each of the characters continues to embody the values that Willy demanded of them" (635). They are actually not free at all because they have become Willy. He is best explained when the deeds he has done to others is analyzed. This was what has been done first in order to get a better insight on how Willy thinks and acts towards the characters around him. One of the famous characters that Miller's Willy Loman has been compared to is Sholom Aleichem's creation, Tevye the milkman. This is a very rational comparison, which is discussed in Dan Vogel's article From Milkman to Salesman: Glimpses of the Galut, because it is easier to understand a character if another person is in almost the same situation. Willy Loman and Tevye are both heroes that have to deal with "life's debilitating existentialist ironies and insults" (174). The way they deal with their problems is not by brute force on a battle field. The difference is that Tevye is defeated with dignity whereas Willy chooses destruction. There is an obvious difference between the strength of characters. Both are salesman that have to deal with the bursting of their dreams. Tevye's daughters all end up doing something he does not approve. One commits suicide because of love, the eldest marries a tailor that dies young and the third one falls in love with an exiled Marxist. Tevye invests money in the stocks and ends up losing all his money. Willy, who is used to a wonderful life is confronted with apartment buildings all over the place, a car that can be thrown away, a son that has run away and a loss of his job. The real important differences and similarities between these two characters are noticeable when the reader looks at the way they both deal with these problems. Both have a major problem with self esteem. They are constantly in search of themselves. Tevye and Willy boast about themselves and then realize that they are no better then anyone else. This bothers them a lot. "Attention, attention must be finally paid to
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Syria and United States conflict
Syria and United States conflict Introduction Syria has been engulfed in violent conflict since 2011. This conflict, which started with the protests to overthrow president Bashar al-Assad, continues to devastate the country to date. According to Al-Gharbi (2013), the conflict has led to the death of over 70,000 people and the internal displacement of around 2.5 million Syrians. The international community has tried to step in and devise a solution to the problem.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Syria and United States conflict specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, there has been lack of agreement on how the conflict can be resolved. While most countries condemn the Assad regime, some continue to support the Syrian government. The US government has taken a stand against the Syrian government and called for the ouster of President Assad. Even so, the US has not been able to take proactive action to hasten the fall of al-Assad due to oppos ition from some major world powers including Russia and China. For this reason, Syria is the most immediate and difficult policy issue facing the Obama Administration today. This paper will analyze the Syrian conflict and its effects on the US. It will then offer some solutions to the problem and recommend measures that might lead to a resolution of the conflict. Impact of the Conflict The Syrian conflict has considerably reduced US influence in the Middle East. As the worlds superpower, Washington has demonstrated significant influence in many regions all over the world. The Middle East has been one of the regions where the US has shown some considerable authority. For example, it is a strong ally of the Saudi ruling family and it assisted in the toppling of the Libyan dictator, Muammar Gaddafi, in 2011. However, it has failed to take a bold step in the Syrian affair. This has resulted in a reduction in US influence due to the Obama administrationââ¬â¢s inactivity. The US has re sisted direct military participation on behalf of the Syrian opposition forces and has shown great reluctance to supplying the opposition with weapons. Crowley (2013) observes that in spite of the fact that 70,000 people have already died in the Syrian conflict, President Obama has not taken any stringent action against the Assad regime. Instead, US involvement in the conflict has been limited to humanitarian aid. This US inaction has reduced US influence in the region and some analysis argue that it will lead to even less influence in a post-Assad Syria (Crowley, 2013). Regional powers such as Turkey and Iran have played the most visible role in the conflict. Turkey has supported the rebel forces and facilitated talks between the Syrian government and the Opposition. This has reinforced Turkeyââ¬â¢s position in the region.Advertising Looking for research paper on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The Syrian conflict has enlarged risks to US interests by increasing the presence of terrorist elements in the region. Before the conflict, the Syrian administration had a low tolerance to terrorist activities within the countryââ¬â¢s boundaries. Using the security apparatus of the country, the Assad regime crushed any Islamic terrorist group that tried to establish itself in the country. The conflict in the country has led to unruliness in the country. Terrorist organizations have ceased this opportunity to operate in the country. Some of the factions of the Syrian opposition are affiliated with terrorist organizations such as Al-Qaeda. Crowley (2013) documents that there are a number of Islamists with direct links to terrorist networks fighting for the opposition in Syria. By providing funding and military assistance to the Syrian opposition, the international community is strengthening terrorist organizations that might in future attack US targets. Opposition forces in Syria have constantly called on the US to intervene militarily in the conflict. Opposition leaders are convinced that with US intervention, the Assad regime will be destroyed and the war will end. However, military intervention will be very costly for the US (Steele, 2012). Unlike in other countries where the US has intervened such as Libya, Syria has an advanced air defense system supplied by the Russians. Any US intervention would be met with a significant military action from the Syrian government. The Syrian and US conflict has blocked US efforts at nurturing a strategic partnership with Syria and Iran. Freeman and Quandt (2013) reveal that it has always been a main objective of US policy in the Middle East to establish a good relationship with Iran. Iran and Syria are two of the largest and most influential Muslim states in the region, making them important prospective strategic partners for Washington. The Syrian conflict has forced the US to take a side against the Syrian gov ernment and its Iranian allies. This has led to deterioration in the relationship between the US and these Middle East countries. Steele (2012) states that the US has tried to reduce Iranian influence in the Syrian affair. However, this has proved to be difficult, as Iran has continued to fund the Assad regime and provide it with the necessary military and economic support. This has been an unfavorable occurrence since Iran has publicly declared its opposition to the US and the country is constantly opposing US policy in the region. Resolving the Conflict The stability of the Middle East has been offset by the Syrian conflict. There are fears that if the conflict is prolonged, the region will become even more unstable as Syrian refugees move to neighboring countries and weapons are proliferated in the region. It is therefore in the best interest of the international community for the conflict to be resolved quickly. The US continues to show great commitment to the events taking plac e in Syria. The Obama administration is keen to see the Syrian crisis resolved effectively and as soon as possible. However, the current efforts have not led to an end to the conflict. The US can use a number of methods to resolve the conflict.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Syria and United States conflict specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Washington should provide military aid to the opposition forces that are trying to overthrow the Assad regime. The rebel forces have so far shown great commitment to ending the Assad reign. However, these forces are poorly equipped and they have been unable to hold strategic positions against the well-equipped government forces. Haass (2013) agrees that while an armed intervention to end the fighting might lead to a large-scale civil war in the country, discrete military aid to opposition groups can help remove the current leadership without a potentially costly civil wa r outbreak in the country. Some advocates of peaceful negotiations argue that arming the opposition will jeopardize the peace talks. This is not necessarily the case since a militarily strong opposition will force the Assad regime to opt for negotiations since the government will realize that it cannot win the war through military force. The US should reach an agreement with Russia and Iran concerning the situation in Syria. While the conflict is going on among the Syrians, outside influence has been responsible for the prolonging of the conflict. The Syrian and US conflict is affected by the actions of countries that support the Syrian government. Specifically, the economic, political, and military support offered to the Assad regime by Russia and Iran has ensured that his government has been able to withstand rebel forces and international pressure. Russia has provided Syria with advanced weaponry making it hard for the US to consider an all out military offensive against al-Assad . If the US can convince Russia and Iran to seek a peaceful end to the conflict, Assad would be forced to listen to his two key allies. Conclusion This paper set out to analyze the Syrian and US conflict and propose some solutions to the problem. It began by highlighting the significance of the Syrian conflict and the role that the US is expected to play as a major world power. The Syrian conflict has reduced American influence in the region and promoted terrorist organizations due to the breakdown of the Syrian security apparatus. The conflict has also increased the influence that Iran has in the region and this is undesirable for US interests. The paper has recommended that the US should provide military aid to the opposition. This will encourage Assad to seek a diplomatic solution to the problem. In addition to this, the US can urge Russia and Iran to engage in cooperative efforts to end the conflict through diplomacy. By doing this, the Syrian conflict will end and US interests will be protected.Advertising Looking for research paper on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More References Al-Gharbi, M. (2013). Syria Contextualized: The Numbers Game. Middle East Policy, 20 (1), 56-67. Crowley, M. (2013). A War He Does not Want. Time, 181 (15), 13-14. Freeman, C., Quandt, W.B. (2013). US Grand Strategy in the Middle East: Is There One? Middle East Policy, 20 (1), 1-29. Haass, R. (2013). The Irony of American Strategy. Foreign Affairs, 92 (3), 57-67. Steele, J. (2012). A Way Out of Syrias Catastrophe. The Nation, 295 (16), 24-26.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Business Managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Business Managment - Essay Example In this way, we can examine applications in the business context, thus drawing conclusions about their roles in strategy. Strategic ethics "comprises principles and standards that guide behaviour in the world of business" Ferrell and Fraedrich (2000:6). Social responsibility on the other hand is the obligation a business assumes toward society. Jennings (2003:6) defines these responsibilities as being economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic. A business' economic responsibilities are to produce goods and services that society needs and wants at a price that can perpetrate the business and satisfy its obligation to investors. The legal responsibilities are the laws that they must obey. Ethical responsibilities are defined as behaviours or activities that are expected of business by society but are not codified in law. Philanthropic responsibilities are those behaviours and activities that society desires and business values dictate. Social responsibility then can be viewed as a contract with society, whereas business ethics involves carefully thought out rules of business organizational conduct that guide decision making. Business ethics relates to rules and principles that guide individual and work group decisions, whereas social responsibility concerns the effect of organizational decisions on society. When a corporation's values and ethics support its strategy, the company's stability and success i
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Comparison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Comparison - Essay Example Deforestation has been an ongoing process on this planet from time immoral. The transformation of forested lands by human activities is one of the major reasons for global environmental change and biodiversity loss. There are several reasons for which forest and its natural resources are exploited and overexploited. Forests are cleared, degraded and fragmented by timber harvest, conversion to agriculture, road-building, human-caused fire, and in numerous other ways. Deforestation is a local problem that can have global consequences and is a treat to human civilization. This paper compares the impact of deforestation in China and Amazon. Economic growth and environmental degradation continues to coexist in China. This has resulted in unsustainable rates of deforestation, high levels of air pollution, and low levels of water quality and quantity (Siciliano, 2006). Deforestation in China has not been a recent issue it had started with the expanding agricultural activities to support human life. Robert Marks in his book entitled Tigers, Rice, Silk, and Silt examines the correlations between economic and environmental changes in the southern imperial Chinese provinces of Guangdong and Guangxi (a region historically known as Lingnan, "South of the Mountains") from 1400 to 1850. Marks in-depth analysis show the impact of population growth on land use patterns, the agro-ecology, and deforestation; the commercialization of agriculture and its implications; the impact of climatic change on agriculture; and the ways in which the human population responded to environmental challenges (Marks, 1998). Earliest history of agricultural activities in Lingnan shows that this region was known for the cultivation of sweet potatoes till the end of seventeenth century. Planting sweet potato required no fertilizers and less labor and could be planted in the hilly, sandy
Sunday, November 17, 2019
How technology has affected you as a translator Essay
How technology has affected you as a translator - Essay Example The work can easily be sent and received across the cultural and natural borders. The translator may work for its clients from anywhere in the world. The market for the translator is not just limited to their own city or country. However translation is still considered to be a service whose dependence is based on high degree of trust between the translators and their clients. The translator may receive his high pay work mostly from the unseen clients living across the borders, as fees paid to the translators in different countries may vary, however the translators still believe that the best clients are made face to face. Technology has made the distribution of the large translation jobs quite easy between the intermediaries. Suppose if the client wants to market its product in 15 other languages, they would simply hire a marketing company. It is the job of the marketing firm to hire different brokers who then assign this job to a number of translation companies that further allocate the task to the translators that are often are freelancers. In such a case the company is usually paying at least three times more of what the freelance translator receives. However if the company directly assign the task to any freelancer then it be an advantage for the company as well as the freelance translator, as the company will be paying less for the same job and the translator will be receiving more. Technology has played a significant role in increasing the benefits for the translators; however the various consequences of the electronic communication have also increased the security risk. Translators are usually working on the material that is out of the public domain. This is what makes trust such an important factor in this business. Therefore while sending and receiving a file the translator must be aware of secure FTP, various forms of zipping and of encoding. There is no
Friday, November 15, 2019
Policy Making Processes in South Africa
Policy Making Processes in South Africa The National Government is accountable to the law making process regarding the rights and commitments of its citizens and delivery of services. The Constitution of South Africa provides in Section 43, three spheres of government in South Africa, namely, the National Government, Provincial Government and Local Government. In Section 40(1) of the Constitution it states that these spheres of government are distinctive, inter-related and inter-dependent. All three areas work under the Constitution as well as the laws and policies created by Parliament. Elected members sanction policies and laws as well as supervise the work of the departments. The department and public services are liable for the work delegated by government and are accountable to the Executive. In the Provincial Legislature, the Premier and Executive Council is responsible for the managerial executive and the administration is done by the Heads of Department and their staff. The local government or council are managed b y the Mayor and the Mayoral Committee and the administration is taken care of by the Municipal Manager, Heads of Department and their staff. The law making process The National Legislature is the authority that passes new laws, amend existing laws or repeal old laws. This same power exists for provincial legislatures in making provincial laws and municipal laws in respect of municipal by ââ¬âlaws. The process is as follow: Firstly, a draft bill is drawn up by the MEC, MPL or the standing committee. This is then published in the provincial gazette as well as other papers to notify the public. The public has 14 days to respond to the proposed drat. If there were any public comment, the department will make the changes. Secondly, the speaker will introduce the proposed Bill to the legislature. Thirdly, the legislature committee debates the bill. Public hearings can be hold and if there are any changes to the draft, it is referred back to the legislature. Fourthly, the Legislature debates the bill and a vote is then passed. The Bill is passed once a majority vote is in favour. If not, the Bill is rejected. Fifthly, the Premier of the Province signs the Bill into an Act. Lastly, the Act is published in the Provincial Government Gazette. The Role of the NCOP When a Bill is passed by the National Assembly it is given a number and referred to the National Council of Provinces (NCOP). The Bill is subject to the amendment proposed or rejected by the Council. The NCOP first needs to distinguished if the Bill contains issues that affects provinces (Section 76 Bill) or contains issues that do not affect the provinces (Section 75 Bill). If the Bill contains issues affecting provinces (Section 76 Bill) Members of the Select Committee approach their own provinces to review the Bill. Each provincial legislature gives a provincial mandate to make changes or leave it as it stands. Provincial representatives report back to the NCOP on their provincial decision. Then the selected committee negotiates the final version of the Bill, to report their decision or suggested changes to the NCOP. The NCOP considers the report, vote on the Bill and each province has a vote. It there are any proposed changes to the Bill, the NCOP refers it back to the National Assembly for approval. If the Bill contains issues that do not affect the provinces (Section 75 Bill) The NCOP considers the Bill, can either accept, reject or propose changes by the Select Committee. Each member of the NCOP votes according to their party decision. If the NCOP makes any changes to the Bill, it is then referred back again to the National Assembly for approval. If there are still differences in the agreement of the Bill, it can follow a mediation process. If this fails, the National Assembly can refer the Bill (Section 76 Bill) to the president to obtain a two thirds majority. If this does not happen the Bill falls away Once both houses accepts the final version of the Bill, it is then send to the President to be signed into an Act and law and then published in the Gazette. Once a law has been passed by the National Parliament it is up to the Provincial and Local Government on the implementation thereof The Role, Powers and Function of the Local Government in law-making According to Section 156(2) of the Constitution: ââ¬Å"A municipality may make and administer by-laws for the effective administration of the matters which it has the right to administerâ⬠. The elected members to the municipality decide on the policies and by-laws for their area that needs to be approved and executed by law. The executive committee of the local council is accountable to present the by-laws. A by-law can only be passed if a majority vote in the municipal council was achieved, all members received reasonable notice and it was published in to elicit public comment. It must be understandable to the public. A by-law can only be imposed if it was published in the provincial gazette. Municipalities can prepare by-laws on matters that refer to Schedule 4B and Schedule 5B of the Constitution which gives Local Government the power to create and pass laws. Municipalities can also make laws on issues allocated by the National or Provincial Government. These issues depend on the category of the municipality to make these by-laws. A category ââ¬ËAââ¬â¢ municipality is referred to as a metropolitan municipality, a category ââ¬ËBâ⬠municipality is identified as a local municipality and a category ââ¬ËCââ¬â¢ is known as a district municipality. A metropolitan municipality makes by-laws on all affairs as listed per Schedule 4B and 5B of the Constitution and has the ability to make by-laws delegated by the Provincial or National Government. These affairs include by-laws affecting for example, air pollution, building regulations, local tourism and municipal planning, to name a few. These affairs are identified as Schedule 4B affairs. By-laws with regards to Schedule 5B is affairs that include display of billboards, keeping of cemeteries, licensing of dogs, markets and local abattoirs, to name a few. Local and district municipalities share the power to create by-laws. This has been controlled by the Municipal Structures Act. Section 84(1) of the Municipal Structures Act, states the powers and functions of the district municipality and obtained from Schedule 4B and Schedule 5B of the Constitution. According to Section 84(2) of the Municipal Structures Act, the local municipality has authority over all other local government matters not mentioned in section 84(1) in its jurisdiction. Examples are for instance on air pollution which is a Schedule 4B competency. A district municipality under section 84(1) has no power but the local municipality under section 84(2) has full power in the area of jurisdiction. The district municipality has no powers under Section 84(1) with regards to beaches and amusement facilities under Schedule 5B, but the local municipality under section 84(2) has full powers in the area of jurisdiction. THE ROLE, POWERS AND FUNCTION OF THE PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT IN LAW MAKING All nine provinces have their own legislature ranging from 30 up to 80 members depending on the number of votes received by the political party. The provincial legislature is accountable for making and passing laws for its province. The provincial government tables provincial Bills under Schedule 5B of the Constitution. These Bills must be accepted by the executive council and then published in the Provincial Gazette for public commentary. The provincial laws requires two thirds majority of the vote and are only operative in that specific province. An example is the ban on cell phones while driving in the Western Cape. A Bill is presented by the Speaker of the provincial legislature. The Standing Committee can invite public hearing and after consultation send a report to the provincial legislature. A vote is taken after the debate and the legislation is passed when a majority vote has reached. The Premier of the province has to sign the Bill into law. The Act then gets published and takes effect on the determined date. Provincial laws can be changed or interceded by Parliament if they challenge the interest of national or other provincial governments. According to the Constitution, provinces can have legislative and executive powers simultaneously with the national government over areas such as agriculture, cultural affairs, environmental issue, health services etc. Also, provinces has absolute proficiency over areas such as ambulance services, liquor licenses, provincial roads, planning and cultural matters
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Shakespeares Sonnets :: William Shakespeare
There has been some dispute whether or not the sonnets are actually written by William Shakespeare, the strongest argument for this is the phrase "BY.OVR.EVERLIVING.POET.", in which some, the most notable being the entertainment lawyer and author Bertram Fields, argue that this would mean the author would be dead by 1609, while William Shakespeare lived until 1616.[1] The 154 poems were most likely written over a period of several years and published in the 1609 collection. These were all in sonnet form and previously unpublished, with the exception of poem number 138 and 144 which had been part of The Passionate Pilgrim, released in 1599. Sonnets 18-126 tell the story of young man and the poet's admiration and love for him, while 127-152 are addressed to the poet's mistress. In this essay we will look at sonnets 18, 116 and 130 and what they say about love, and see if they share similarities with each other.[2] Sonnet XVIII (18) Sonnet 18 speaks of love in its purest form; it is obvious that the author has great admiration for the person the sonnet is addressed to, giving the subject an almost god-like and eternal status. If we look at the two first lines: "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate:". It is clear that he cannot use a summer's day as a comparison, because the person is better than a summer's day. He goes on to explain how a summer's day is not perfect, saying that: "Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May" and "And summer's lease hath all to short a date". This is believed to mean that even a summer's day has its faults, in the start of summer there can be rough storms that distort the beauty of darling buds and summer does not last for ever. At the end of the sonnet there are some very important lines, which speak of eternal life and beauty: ââ¬Å"But thy eternal summer shall not fade, Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st, nor shall death brag thou wander'st in his shadeâ⬠This can be seen as a promise that he will never die and be forgotten, nor will he lose the beauty which he owns. The last line could be a biblical reference ââ¬Å"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil: for thou art with meâ⬠[3], even though death has taken him, his beauty will glow like a beacon and light up any shade death may have cast upon him, thus giving eternal life.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Cerjugo SA
Per capita beer consumption in the country had been stable for many years. In order to find new opportunities for growth, Courage management decided to expand their product lines into juices. They recognized early on that the juice business was very different from that of beer. In beer, there was little competition and profit margins were high, close to 40 percent. The profit margins for juice would be much lower and there were a number of competitors but they felt they could create a competitive advantage by (1) sousing on ââ¬Å"freshness,â⬠I. E. All natural ingredients; (2) by leveraging their deep knowledge of their consumers; and (3) by capitalizing on an already strong retail customer base, which would triple as a result of adding juice products. The Organizational Structure The president of Courage is Manuel Preparer. He currently has three key executives reporting to him: Jose Gunman, Felid Razor, and Maria Santiago. Jose is the director of Production; Felid is the vice president of Sales, Marketing and Distribution; and Maria is the director of Finance and Administration. Each executive worked closely with Manuel and are involved in all major company decisions. The country is not named to protect the anonymity of the company on which this case is based. At the time of the expansion into juice, a new $50 million production facility was built across the street from the current juice plant. Organizationally, management assumed that the manufacturing, sales, and distribution of the new product lines could be fitted into the existing structure by adding new positions and employees. They added a production manager of juice manufacturing, juice production providers and employees, additional sales supervisors, and over 900 salespeople.Existing salespeople were trained to sell the new juice products in addition to the beer products that they were used to, and the sales compensation plan was modified so that a higher percentage of the pay would be variable based on total beer and juice revenues. We focus on Grouse's two main divisions: the production division and the sales, marketing, and distribution division. Until a few years ago, the executive team had worked very well together with few major difficulties. The Production Division: Jose GunmanJose Gunman, the director of production, has four senior managers reporting to him: Carols Mange, manager, beer manufacturing Dolores Abide, quality control manager; Antonio Ben, the production planning manager; and George Nevada, manager, juice manufacturing. Carols, Dolores, and Antonio have all been with Courage for the past 15 years. George was hired two years ago when Courage moved into the juice business. George is Harvard educated and had extensive experience in the juice business in North America before accepting Manual's offer to join Courage.The production division has a strict research with many layers of management. Front-line employees such as assemblers and maintenance staff rep ort to team leaders, who report to plant supervisors. Plant supervisors report to either Carols or George. The jobs in the production division are highly specialized. Formal procedures have been documented and all new employees go through extensive training so that quality standards, safety standards, and efficiencies are maintained. The Sales, Marketing and Distribution Division: Felid Razor Felid Razor, the vice president of Sales, Marketing and Distribution, has beenManual's second-in-command for many years. He is in charge of four departments, each headed up by a senior manager. These departments are distribution, trade marketing, market research, and sales. The sales department, which has 1400 employees, is further divided into urban sales and rural sales, and there are 13 rural sales managers reporting to the head of rural sales. Each sales representative serves a territory that usually consists of both licensed and non-licensed establishments. They supply retailers with produ ct information and storefront displays.They also offer discounts and promotions, where appropriate, in an attempt to win limited retailer shelf space. A partial organization chart is shown in Exhibit A. The Current Situation Manuel is very concerned since the forecasted sales and profit targets for the juice business have not been met for the second year in a row. Perceptions in the market are that Courage juice is not of a high quality, and consumers do not appear to be aware of the degree of ââ¬Å"freshnessâ⬠in the products. In addition, the sales force does not seem to fully understand the juice product attributes and tends to focus on selling beer rather than juice products.Turnover in the sales force has increased dramatically and there has been a great deal of in-fighting between Jose, Felid, and Maria. They always seem to be at opposing ends of an issue and Manuel has to make decisions that inevitably angers one or other of them. The last straw came yesterday when Manu el heard rumors that George Nevada, his Harvard-educated manager Of juice manufacturing, had received another job offer and was planning to resign. Last week, Manuel individually asked Felid and Jose to give him their suggestions for how to improve the juice business.Joke's response was as follows: ââ¬Å"We need to continue to improve efficiencies, keep production and inventory costs to a minimum, and maintain a consistent and high-quality product. Have been doing this successfully for a very long time and I know that the most important success factors are to reduce changeover times on the bottling lines, keep my line capacities to a maximum, my inventory and storage costs down, and the shelf-life of my ingredients up. On the people side, the key to my success has been to have clear rules and work procedures o that we can keep errors and waste to a minimum.What need to do now is the following: (1) Replace the natural vitamin C extract with artificial ascorbic acid. This will increa se the shelf-life of the juices, which will increase its profitability. (2) Eliminate the mill packaging size. This will reduce the changeover times on the line and reduce our costs of production. â⬠Felid's response was as follows: ââ¬ËWe need to create more customer demand and strengthen our competitive advantage. I have been doing this for a very long time and I haven't let you down yet. We do not have enough variety in either our flavors or our bottle sizes.Juice retailers and consumers are different from Our beer customers. Our competitive advantage in this market is ââ¬Ëfreshness. ââ¬Ë That is our niche. What we need to do now is the following: (1 ) We currently have only two bottle sizes (mill and mill). We need to introduce mill and 1. ALL bottle sizes in order to be able to compete with the other players in the market. While these are unique sizes and packaging formats, they are essential to building the unique image of our brand. (2) We currently have only 12 juice flavors.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Analysis and Summary of essays
Analysis and Summary of essays The First of the trilogy, The Lord of the Rings, the Fellowship of the Ring introduces the reader once again to the world of Middle Earth and all of the magical characters which the writer, J.R.R. Tolkien created. Bilbo Baggins returns, celebrating his 111th birthday, along with Grandalf and the various species of hobbits, elves and other magical creatures. The reader is introduced to Frodo Baggins, Bilbos nephew and heir to Bilbos fortune, and his various friends and counterparts. And again, at the center of the entire fiasco, is the Ring, the symbol of power and control, the one ring to rule all. As in all trilogies, the first edition is marked with the beginning of the story, the introduction of the characters, the building of the plot, and the overall dynamics and underlining of the tale. In this story, the reader is exposed to the moral development of the main character, Frodo Baggins. In much the same way as the human race faces moral corruption and destruction on a dail y basis, the Fellowship of the Ring introduces the Reader to one hobbits personal struggle with overcoming temptation and weakness. The story presented in this book serves the purpose of teacher the reader something about him or herself, or humanity as a whole. By exploring the development of the character of Frodo, as well as dissecting the decisions and difficult situations which Frodo encounters, and finally observing the overall indication of morality on life, it is possible to identify how Tolkien not only entertains through the first of his trilogy, but also enters in important ideas on existance as an entirety. Tolkien created hobbits to be half the size of normal humans. He also created them with half the moral corruption, and twice the heart. A hobbit is a peaceful creature, content with normality and sameness. The typical hobbit never travels far from home, and enjoys repeating most activities every day, through the s...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Detailed Instructions on How to Write a Term Paper and Get Good Grades
Detailed Instructions on How to Write a Term Paper and Get Good Grades Before delving into how to write a term paper, you should define the key objectives and meaning of this academic assignment. What is a term paper? All students need to submit it at the end of their course or semester to let teachers evaluate their knowledge. Itââ¬â¢s a discussion of a specific topic or a scientific report that requires a lot of technical writing expertise and research. How to earn good grades? Ensure that this written assignment is analytical, correct, clear, interesting while reflecting your knowledge of a specific course. It also needs to follow your assigned formatting style. What is a term paper? This common assignment is an analytical and critical report on the subject covered within your specific course of studies. What is a term paper? It should include your own ideas about a given topic and demonstrate your understanding of relevant literature if you want to impress each reader. What is the main goal of writing a term paper? It summarizes the material you know while showcasing your understanding of a particular issue, and this is what makes it an effective tool for assessing proficiency. GET PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANCE NOW! How to make an outline? To understand how to write an outline for a term paper, keep in mind that it serves as a roadmap or basis for your work. There are different templates to choose from, but most instructors require students to follow a specific format for this academic assignment. A general outline contains body, concluding, introductory paragraphs. How to choose good topics? Some teachers provide relevant topics, while others give you freedom to make this choice, and you should look for a brilliant idea. Write down all the thoughts that come into your mind in your own words to brainstorm interesting original topics. Read articles, magazines, and other sources to get great suggestions. It will take time to search for available ideas online. The chosen topic should meet the objectives of your course and be interesting to you to make the entire process easier more fun. Things to consider when choosing a topic Consider the length of your essay (whether it should be 3 or 5-pages long) to decide how broad your subject should be); Ensure that you can explain it, no matter its complexity; Check your local library for useful resources to gather enough information on the chosen topic. How to start? If you donââ¬â¢t know how to write a history term paper, follow given instructions ask teachers for any clarifications before you start your research. Waiting until the last minute is a bad idea. If youââ¬â¢re eager to receive high grades for your written work, plan everything ahead and set a realistic schedule. Creating a creative compelling title is a good way to start. Itââ¬â¢s the first impression that your essay will make on targeted readers, and you should ensure that it can capture their attention. ORDER TERM PAPER Structure all paragraphs correctly Stick to a correct structure when organizing all ideas and follow this layout: Cover page with your course number, name, teacherââ¬â¢s data, and deadline date; Abstract to describe the main purpose of your paper and inform readers why its subject is important and interesting; Introduction that starts with a thesis statement highlights the significance of your issue; Body with a synthesis of your research information that lets readers further understand youââ¬â¢re your discussion; Results to explain the outcomes of your research; Discussion with a summary of your subject in question; Conclusion to wrap up your paper by prompting readers to continue their research or stating an open question; A list of your used sources. Why edit and proofread a final draft? Read a rough draft to analyze if it really captures the essence of your idea contains no grammar, punctuation, or other mistakes. Ask others to help you ensure that your final draft is unique meets the necessary requirements of teachers. What if you need professional assistance? If after reading all the above-mentioned guidelines, you still donââ¬â¢t understand how to write a term paper, turn to our qualified and skillful experts. Order our custom writing services online and youââ¬â¢ll get a high quality other benefits that we guarantee to all customers at affordable rates. Your helping hand is only a few clicks away.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Proposal for the Renfrey Memorial Hospital Board of Directors Essay
Proposal for the Renfrey Memorial Hospital Board of Directors - Essay Example Quality of service is impacted because the nurse response time to patients increases. The patients also feel that they are not being cared for appropriately. With reduced nursing staff, the workload of the physicians increases further. The hospitalââ¬â¢s capacity is impacted because with reduced nursing staff, there is delay is discharge of patients leading to reduction in number of beds available. Many patient care programs also need to be closed down (Buerhaus, 2007). Hospitalââ¬â¢s response to nursing staff shortages Most of the hospitals have been implementing two types of solutions for nursing staff shortages ââ¬â long term and short term solutions. Short-term solutions include increasing their salaries, increasing the bonuses of the nursing staff or filling the vacant positions with temporary staff (May, Bazzoli and Gerland, 2006). Long-term strategies of hospitals include creating favorable working environment and providing opportunities for them to enhance the ir skills (May, Bazzoli and Gerland, 2006). We will discuss both these strategies used by hospitals in greater detail in the ensuing sections. Short-term strategies These include using temporary staffing which involves recruiting nurses on a per day basis on short contracts. These also include using nurses on the move to cover a particular shift (May, Bazzoli and Gerland, 2006). The major problem with these types of recruiting solutions is that they turn out to be very expensive. It also encourages the normal staff to take up more assignments of this type rather than for the permanent job as the former pays better. Another problem with this kind of recruitment practice is the lack of staff quality. This kind of temporary staff cannot be relied for good service quality. Using ââ¬Å"Internal staffingâ⬠or ââ¬Å"float poolâ⬠is another way of fulfilling temporary staffing needs (May, Bazzoli and Gerland, 2006). Internal staffing solutions are less expensive than staffing th rough external agencies despite the fact that some premium needs to be paid even for recruitment through internal channels. However, this premium is far less than what needs to be paid to external agencies for recruitment. Spartanburg Regional Medical Centre in South Carolina has utilized internal staffing channel very effectively (May, Bazzoli and Gerland, 2006). They allow the internal nursing staff who wish to apply for vacant shifts (to increase their earnings) to apply online at bid rates that are set below the external agency rates but at a premium to the general rates prevailing within the hospital. This helps them to utilize staff that is willing to work extra without compromising on quality as they are all trained and tested employees. At the same time the hospital does not have to force the employees to work extra and then deal with repercussions of overstressed staff. Technology is used very effectively to create an online internet based platform where the employees can a pply and get immediate response. Another short term strategy for fulfilling temporary staffing is by providing higher salaries. This is done not only for the new workforce but also for all previous employees by providing competent increment at all current levels. This has a retaining impact in the short run as external employers may not immediately adjust their
Friday, November 1, 2019
Understanding the Factors Affecting the Influence of Children on Their Dissertation
Understanding the Factors Affecting the Influence of Children on Their Parents' Total Purchases - Dissertation Example Marketing researches in the past couple of decades have focused on the how the children are involved in the household decision making, in which stages and in which product categories. This study aimed to identify if and how particular demographic characteristics play a role in the influence that children have on their parentsââ¬â¢ weekly purchases. The demographic characteristics tested for this study included: (a) socioeconomic status of the parents, (b) parental education level, (c) religion, (d) gender of the child, and (e) age of the child. For this purpose, a quantitative, non-experimental study was designed using hierarchical multiple linear regression and analysis of variance to test hypotheses and answer the research question. A stratified random sample of 343 participants was surveyed and hypotheses were tested. The results showed a relationship between total weekly influenced parental purchases and the demographic characteristics; furthermore, socioeconomic status, paren tal educational levels, gender and age of child all affected the extent of influence that the children had on their parentsââ¬â¢ purchases. The findings of this research reveal important insights about children as influencers and active developing decision makers. The results provide direction for further research and analysis in the field that can contribute much to the understanding of buying behaviors and targeted market planning to marketers. Acknowledgments Table of Contents Acknowledgments 3 Acknowledgments 3 List of Tables 8 List of Tables 8 List of Figures 10 List of Figures 10 Chapter 1. Introduction 1 Chapter 1. Introduction 1 Introduction to the Problem 1 Introduction to the Problem 1 Background of the Study 3 Background of the Study 3 Statement of the Problem 5 Statement of the Problem 5 Purpose of the Study 5 Purpose of the Study 5 Research Questions and Hypothesis 6 Research Questions and Hypothesis 6 Nature of the Study 7 Nature of the Study 7 Significance of the Study 8 Significance of the Study 8 Definition of Terms 9 Definition of Terms 9 Assumptions and Limitations 9 Assumptions and Limitations 9 Unit of Analysis 10 Unit of Analysis 10 Organization of the Remainder of the Study 11 Organization of the Remainder of the Study 11 Chapter 2. Literature Review 12 Chapter 2. Literature Review 12 Introduction 12 Introduction 12 Family Dynamics in Purchase Decisions 13 Family Dynamics in Purchase Decisions 13 Organization of the Literature Review 20 Organization of the Literature Review 20 Theoretical Framework 20 Theoretical Framework 20 Childrenââ¬â¢s Influence in Family Decisions 22 Childrenââ¬â¢s Influence in Family Decisions 22 Consumer Socialization of Children 23 Consumer Socialization of Children 23 Presentation of Empirical Evidence 26 Presentation of Empirical Evidence 26 Analysis of Findings 32 Analysis of Findings 32 Conclusion 34 Conclusion 34 CHAPTER 3. METHODOLOGY 36 CHAPTER 3. METHODOLOGY 36 Research Design 36 Research Desi gn 36 Design Appropriateness 38 Design Appropriateness 38 Participants 39 Participants 39 Sample Size 39 Sample Size 39 Sampling Procedure 40 Sampling Procedure 40 Research Questions and Hypotheses 41 Research Questions and Hypotheses 41 Instrumentation 42 Instrumentation 42 Pilot Testing and Field Testing 43 Pilot Testing and Field Testing 43 Data Collection 45 Data Collection 45
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